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6 ideas for the acceptance of digitalisation in the company – how you take your team with you on the journey

Where does your team stand when it comes to questions about digitalisation? Does it discuss it? Does it silence it? Is it fully on board? Is the majority sceptical – or does the majority recognise personal benefits in the digital process? The acceptance of digitalisation in the company classically follows six steps. Find out which step your team is currently at – and what you can do to implement digital methods in the best possible way for collective success.

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Step 1: Develop curiosity

We have inherited it from nature, every child is driven by the desire to explore and discover – but in adulthood, curiosity often disappears behind beliefs, rules that we have imposed upon ourselves or simply a lack of time. A playful team building approach helps to awaken curiosity again and develops fundamental preparedness to get involved with the digital world. Many team members could astoundingly conclude that the digitalisation is already an obvious part of every day life – and is actually pretty practical…

Suitable team events

Step 2: The digitalisation strategy

Why are we doing this? What does the company, team or individual get out of it? The first part is easy to answer as the digitalisation strategy is simply a survival strategy for many companies. Agile, quick action is often necessary today because otherwise, other companies could skim revenue and returns disruptively off the market. For example, WhatsApp managed this, to the disadvantage of text messaging offers of network companies. For the acceptance of digitalisation in the company, it has to be clear to every single person – and the joint success through personal use should be tangible for everyone.

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Suitable team events

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Step 3: The digital model

Do you need a new understanding of values in the times of digitalisation? How do we manage to remain a team when everything is getting faster, when working together being physically distanced is suddenly possible or desirable? The success of your digitalisation strategy depends on the team actively carrying out the changes. This the only way the transformation will work.

These team events support the beginning of the discussion of values

Step 4: Recognise, unfold and develop digital competencies

It’s not often the case that team members are on the same level regarding digital competencies. More often that not, they come in all different forms. Taking stock helps to recognise what is already working very well, which digital methods the team is already using, which competencies it is missing and if there are concrete hurdles standing in the way of acquiring them. On this basis, you can decide which development or strengthening your team needs from the outside, and when it should be implemented.

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Develop an overview of your digital competencies with the BITOU presenters and get impulses through our online team events like

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Step 5: Define responsibility differently

Agile work, agile leadership – these are the most important key words in the world of work today and tomorrow. How do you lead a team in home office? How does recruiting work in the digital age? Usual processes have remained for years. In the times of digitalisation, an update is needed. Above all, in management thinking.

Step 6: Participative design

Teams learn through positive and inspirational experiences. If you can try things out yourself and play an active role, when your actions make something happen. The digital change demands a new mentality – it’s about letting go of reliable things and learning something new. It won’t work without the participation of your colleagues. It is often sensible to test leading in an agile manner or working digitally step by step, to reflect and then implement if the demands for it are there.

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Our offer: for the exact steps towards digitalisation, team events such as

Are you looking for impulses to accompany your team through digitalisation?

Have a chat with us!