Rome – team development workshop
- 7 – 300
- 180 – 240 min (without reflection)
- Face to Face
- Impact
- Psychological safety
- Leadership
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Conflict
- Team performance
- other topics less topics
Many roads lead to “Rome” – The Story
According to the legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus. A few years prior to this, the first settlement formed on the seven hills that later joined up to become a town. From then on, Rome continuously grew and more and more people flowed into the city, meaning more living space had to be created. The rulers left their traces in Rome through the magnificent buildings. Because this decision process took such a long time, we still refer to Rome when we want to say that it sometimes takes time until something good is finished.
Companies also don’t form over night. Processes and structures have to be established that always newly create collaboration the more people join the company. With »Rome«, we recreate situations that participants come accross at work on a daily basis, but in a different environment. The story allows the teams to competely dive into the game and offers clear roles and aims to be fulfilled.
How »Rome« presents the advantages of teamwork
In the team training workshop »Rome«, your team develops communication skills, experiences the advantages of teamwork, pursues a common goal and practices team management abilities. As »Rome« is fast, it can also be successfully carried out as a team building and conference game indoors.
Learning effects
- building up strategic abilities e.g. allocation of resources and team management
- the participants are actively involved
- learning is not based on a theory, but rather on own experience
- a connection is made between a team development workshop and everyday working life
- »Rome« gives you room to explore team skills without negative consequences
The amount of points the whole group achieves is an important measured varaible for the degree of collaboration (also in comparison to other groups). In which round the common goal is known gives clues to the competence of the management. Figures such as psychological safety and the degree of collaboration is analysed through their own measured variables.
Possible occasions
- Reflection and optimisation of team collaboration
- Team conflicts: “Quarrelling bunch becomes a performing team”
- Team doesn’t work effectively
- Team goals aren’t reached
- Aim of the team towards goals and tasks
- Strengthen collaboration between team members and reduce competition between individual
»Rome« is suitable for leadership teams, high performace teams and teams on all hierarchic levels. Each participant receives a workbook that has valuable background information where own takeaways can be entered.
At a glance
Included services
- Extenisve advice beforehand
- Implementation and presentation (on-site or online)
- Licence costs
- Workbook for each participant
- Analysis and reflection by our team trainer*
*only available if you book the active module with trainer.
Suitable for
- Leadership teams
- High performance teams
- Teams on all hieratic levels
Wählen Sie optional Ihren Trainer aus.
We will contact you immediately to discuss the details (scope, procedure of the team development) and to provide you with a non-binding offer.