Online Reindeer Race - the wintery game event

  • 5 - 1.000
  • 30 - 60 minutes
  • Virtual
The lovable red-nosed reindeer dreams about flying over the clouds with Father Christmas. Sounds peaceful. But those who think that everything is harmonious in a herd of reindeers is mistaken! What Rudolph wants is also desired by the others. And so begins the competition which jolts everyone into action. Who will win the race to the North Pole and receive the grace of Santa Claus?
Online Reindeer Race – the wintery game event

The idea behind the team event

A spark of competition brings the team to life! This is also the case for the online Christmas party. The Reindeer Race is ideal as a 30 to 60 minute online game, or for an entertaining start or an atmosphere booster in between.

The colleagues come up against each other. It is their task to win presents in the virtual Christmas world by training their own champions and sabotaging the other reindeer – with a bit of luck, the right reindeer will be in the lead in the following race.

The whole thing takes place in a 3D world, lovingly decorated with details such as huge snowflakes and fairy lights around the racing track. This is something different to a Christmas party!

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The rules

At the beginning, a two minute video explains the rules of Reindeer Race. They are simple. The participants take part in multiple rounds and each prepare for the spectacle by: choosing an appropriate nutrition package with which they can train the reindeer and/or sabotage. Those with good tactics – and who keep an eye on what the others are doing – carry away the victory and receive many virtual presents from Santa Claus.

The course of events

The online Reindeer Race consists of six rounds. Each round begins with a short overview over each race track. Then, the participants consider their strategy: shall we support one of our three champions and raise their chances of winning? Or shall we rather sabotage one of the other reindeer and hinder the colleagues’ chances of winning? What will the other participants do? The decisions have to be made within a time limit before the race begins and it is revealed who bet on the right reindeer. After that, the next racing round begins with a new chance to win. Whoever wins the most over the six rounds carries away the whole victory.

The technology

Reindeer Race online is a browser based web game. You don’t need an app or to install an additional programme. An up-to-date browser (preferably Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) is enough. You can participate through the browser on your smartphone, or on a PC or laptop. The communication can take place through your normal conference software.

Great idea, but rather another time?

Online Reindeer Race is a Christmassy version of the BITOU event Horse Race. You can book this at any time in order to spend you lunch break together and have fun as a team, or to begin the end of a working day. Would you rather browse further for your Christmas event? Then just click here.

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At a glance


  • 5 - 1.000
  • 30 - 60 minutes
  • Virtual
  • Worldwide
  • Year round
  • German, English
  • Indoor
Trill through maximum entertainment
Thrilling team spirit doesn’t arise from brainwork, not individually at a desk – but through doing things, through community, through the contagious feelings of the colleagues.

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Then send us an event enquiry. We will contact you immediately and discuss everything further.