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Team building 4.0 – make it tangible where the journey is going

For many people, the term “Work 4.0” is abstract and not tangible. In the majority of companies and organisations, there is no getting around it: teams have to organise themselves differently, in order to incorporate digital and automatic processes into their every day working life. Team building, especially one which is aimed towards this, can impressionably convey to hesitance and doubting colleagues, where the chances lie in digitalisation – and encourage people to try something new.

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Why do people find themselves in the centre point of Work 4.0

Where is the journey leading to in the world of work? This is something often predicted, speculated and researched. lt is likely that machines and artificial intelligence are going to develop. The digitalisation is going to process and connect us further, surpassing all limits. What we don’t know is: how people and teams are going to react to it.
The real mammoth task behind “Work 4.0” is therefore team building and team development: it is important to make sure that the place of work can adapt to the needs of the people – and not the other way around. For this, engagement, experiences and competencies are needed from every single team member.

What team building can offer as an accompaniment on your journey

The aim of team development in relation to “Work 4.0” is that every single person has an active influence over developing their workplace. Our team events give playful impulses for this purpose. An example: the “Chain Reaction 4.0” unifies the creativity of your team with the artificial intelligence of robots and 3D printers in one big whole. The individual parts of the chain can even be physically apart from each other, but connected through online interfaces.

The creative learning process is supported by “agile tasks” which can always change – exactly like the world of work. Our team building experts accompany the team process through presentation and reflection, in order to be sure that every single person contributes with personal experiences, competencies and full engagement.
At the end of the team building process, it is recognised that: despite “Work 4.0”, we are all people. And our need for belonging, recognition, team spirit and safety, all our hopes, fears, genius ideas and happiness will remain.


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